Winning great contests prizes involves no luck, just a few basic skills. Each day, contest winners cash in on great win prizes. Become a winner!
How can I have a better chance of winning prizes in a contest where names are randomly drawn?
First, follow the contest rules. Make sure that you are eligible to play. Some contests are valid for certain age groups (like kids only), or in only a few states. Read the rules!
Second, check how many times players can enter the contest. The contest or sweepstakes may require one entry per household, or one entry per person. Other contests allow you to enter once a day. Still others have no entry limits. You may be able to enter by mail, phone or online, but make sure not to enter more than once a day if the rules specify this.
Third, check the dates of the contest to see if it is still going on. It is often reported that players have a greater chance of winning contests that have a shorter length. For example, a contest spanning six weeks will attract fewer entrants than a contest spanning months.
Fourth, use the appropriate entry form, which is either an official entry blank (OEB) or a specially sized card or paper. Fill out the information neatly and accurately.
What are special tips for contests involving a talent?
Recipe contests or essay contests often have wonderful prizes and attract fewer entrants because many people do not take the time to enter, or feel they do not have the talents to win. Like other contests, follow the rules carefully. If it is a recipe, test it first. For an essay contest, follow the specified word count, and check spelling and grammar.
What special tips are there for winning mail-in contests?
If entries are unlimited, decide how many times to enter the contest. Each mail-in entry requires a postage stamp, so your budget will be a determining factor. Some contest winners decorate their envelopes to attract attention. Others leave them blank. Experiment and see what brings more prizes your way! Some contest winners spread out their entries over the life of a contest, and many send in multiple entries at a time (each in a separate envelope).
What special tips are there for winning contests in stores?
Fold your entry form! Crinkle it. Dog-ear the corner. Do anything to make your form bigger and bulkier than others in the box. Enter as often as allowed.
Are some contests easier to win?
Some contest winners say that they win more prizes when the contest requires writing something (like a UPC number) or finding an answer. Many people don’t take time to enter these contests, so odds of winning are greater.
How can I find out about contests?
There are contest newsletters, as well as websites for sweepstakers. Visit big company websites and look for contests there. Check your local stores. You’ll be surprised what you’ll find.
Contests and sweepstakes offer wonderful prizes that make dreams come true for thousands of people. Remember, a little skill can pay off with big prizes.
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