Soalan Kuiz
1. Selain pernah digelar 'Gangganu' oleh orang-orang Siam pada suatu ketika dulu, Johor juga turut dikenali sebagai?
A. Tanah Subur
B. Hujung Tanah
C. Asal Tanah
D. Permulaan Tanah
2. Baju tradisional Johor ini mula diperkenalkan di Singapura dan kemudian tersebar luas pada abad ke-19. Penyataan ini merujuk kepada:
A. Baju Melayu Cekak Musang
B. Baju Kebaya Panjang
C. Baju Riau
D. Baju Teluk Belanga
3. Projek pembangunan ekonomi di selatan Johor yang dipanggil Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar meliputi kawasan seluas 2,217 km persegi dan terdiri daripada lima zon ekonomi seperti berikut KECUALI:
A. Pembangunan Pintu Timur
B. Pusat Bandar Johor Bahru
C. Nusajaya
D. Pembangunan Pintu Selatan
4. Berikut merupakan matlamat utama penganjuran Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia(MSAM) pada setiap 20 April KECUALI:
A. Memberi pendidikan dan pemahaman kepada masyarakat umum mengenai industri saham amanah serta badan-badan kawal selia yang terlibat dalam industri ini
B. Memberi peluang kepada masyarakat umum untuk mengenali pengurusan, aktiviti dan latar belakang syarikat-syarikat pelaburan PNB
C. Meningkatkan daya saing antara pengurus dana serta meningkatkan jualan saham amanah
D. Memberi kesempatan kepada masyarakat umum untuk mengetahui dengan lebih mendalam produk-produk saham amanah kendalian PNB
5. Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia (MSAM) 2009 yang bakal berlangsung di Johor Bahru akan diadakan di:
A. Dataran Bandaraya Johor Bahru
B. Danga Bay
C. Persada Johor
D. Padang B, Plaza Angsana
6. Antara berikut, tabung unit amanah ASNB yang manakah menawarkan pelaburan menerusi Skim Pelaburan Ahli KWSP?
A. Semua unit amanah ASNB
B. Skim ASB dan Sekim ASN
C. ASW 2020, ASD,ASN2, ASN3 dan ASG
D. ASM dan Skim ASB
7. Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) mempunyai lebih 1,500 ejen di seluruh negara. Ejen-ejen ASNB ialah:
A. CIMB Bank Berhad, Malayan Banking Berhad, RHB Bank Berhad, AmBank Malaysia Berhad
B. Public Bank Berhad,CIMB Bank Berhad, Malayan Banking Berhad
C. Pos Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad, Malayan Banking Berhad, RHB Bank Berhad
D. Bank Simpanan Nasional, CIMB Bank Berhad, RHB Bank Berhad, Malayan Banking Berhad
8. Prospektus merupakan dokumen yang perlu dirujuk oleh para pelabur sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan untuk melabur di unit amanah. Apakah di antara maklumat yang terkandung di dalam prospektus?
A. Matlamat dana,strategi pelaburan dan polisi serta kedudukan ganjaran dan risiko yang diambil
B. Penyata kewangan yang mengandungi laporan tahunan dan interim
C. Maklumat mengenai keadaan pasaran saham semasa
D. Maklumat mengenai harga semasa pasaran saham
9. Antara berikut, kenyataan yang manakah BENAR mengenai tabung unit amanah yang diuruskan oleh ASNB?
A. Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera (Skim ASB) adalah tabung unit amanah pertama yang diuruskan oleh ASNB
B. Amanah Saham Gemilang (ASG) adalah tabung unit amanah berharga tetap
C. Tahun kewangan bagi Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) berakhir pada 31 Mac
D. Pelabur tidak boleh menggunakan simpanan KWSP untuk melabur di dalam Amanah Saham Nasional 3 Imbang (ASN 3)
10. Sehingga 31 Disember 2008, kedudukan pelaburan Encik Suhaimi dalam unit amanah XYZ adalah seperti berikut:
Jumlah Kos Pelaburan (RM) 25,155.98
Jumlah Pegangan (Unit) 43,783.52
Kos Pegangan Seunit (RM) 0.5406
Nilai Aset Bersih/ NAB (RM) 0.7214
Berdasarkan maklumat di atas, berapakah nilai pelaburan semasa (RM) Encik Suhaimi pada 31 Disember 2008?
A. 18,147.52
B. 31,585.43
C. 23,669.37
D. 13,599.32
Khamis, 26 Februari 2009
The Internet is one of the most effective promotional mediums available to you. Internet promotion can be cheap, it can be highly personal, and it enables you to reach thousands of people with minimal effort.
It’s also a good vehicle for exhibiting your talents. In fact, I regularly hire new freelance designers on the strength of their online portfolio - if they present their services persuasively on their websites, I don’t always insist on face-to-face meetings.
If you’ve got good material in your repertoire, you should have a good website to present it. And if you’ve got a good website, it makes sense that you make people aware of it.
There are two ways to exploit your website to its full potential. Either you make yourself accessible to website browsers by optimizing your website’s exposure on search engines and major sites, or you buy a data list of potential clients and present your website directly to people in an email campaign.
It’s also a good vehicle for exhibiting your talents. In fact, I regularly hire new freelance designers on the strength of their online portfolio - if they present their services persuasively on their websites, I don’t always insist on face-to-face meetings.
If you’ve got good material in your repertoire, you should have a good website to present it. And if you’ve got a good website, it makes sense that you make people aware of it.
There are two ways to exploit your website to its full potential. Either you make yourself accessible to website browsers by optimizing your website’s exposure on search engines and major sites, or you buy a data list of potential clients and present your website directly to people in an email campaign.
Winning great contests prizes involves no luck, just a few basic skills. Each day, contest winners cash in on great win prizes. Become a winner!
How can I have a better chance of winning prizes in a contest where names are randomly drawn?
First, follow the contest rules. Make sure that you are eligible to play. Some contests are valid for certain age groups (like kids only), or in only a few states. Read the rules!
Second, check how many times players can enter the contest. The contest or sweepstakes may require one entry per household, or one entry per person. Other contests allow you to enter once a day. Still others have no entry limits. You may be able to enter by mail, phone or online, but make sure not to enter more than once a day if the rules specify this.
Third, check the dates of the contest to see if it is still going on. It is often reported that players have a greater chance of winning contests that have a shorter length. For example, a contest spanning six weeks will attract fewer entrants than a contest spanning months.
Fourth, use the appropriate entry form, which is either an official entry blank (OEB) or a specially sized card or paper. Fill out the information neatly and accurately.
What are special tips for contests involving a talent?
Recipe contests or essay contests often have wonderful prizes and attract fewer entrants because many people do not take the time to enter, or feel they do not have the talents to win. Like other contests, follow the rules carefully. If it is a recipe, test it first. For an essay contest, follow the specified word count, and check spelling and grammar.
What special tips are there for winning mail-in contests?
If entries are unlimited, decide how many times to enter the contest. Each mail-in entry requires a postage stamp, so your budget will be a determining factor. Some contest winners decorate their envelopes to attract attention. Others leave them blank. Experiment and see what brings more prizes your way! Some contest winners spread out their entries over the life of a contest, and many send in multiple entries at a time (each in a separate envelope).
What special tips are there for winning contests in stores?
Fold your entry form! Crinkle it. Dog-ear the corner. Do anything to make your form bigger and bulkier than others in the box. Enter as often as allowed.
Are some contests easier to win?
Some contest winners say that they win more prizes when the contest requires writing something (like a UPC number) or finding an answer. Many people don’t take time to enter these contests, so odds of winning are greater.
How can I find out about contests?
There are contest newsletters, as well as websites for sweepstakers. Visit big company websites and look for contests there. Check your local stores. You’ll be surprised what you’ll find.
Contests and sweepstakes offer wonderful prizes that make dreams come true for thousands of people. Remember, a little skill can pay off with big prizes.
How can I have a better chance of winning prizes in a contest where names are randomly drawn?
First, follow the contest rules. Make sure that you are eligible to play. Some contests are valid for certain age groups (like kids only), or in only a few states. Read the rules!
Second, check how many times players can enter the contest. The contest or sweepstakes may require one entry per household, or one entry per person. Other contests allow you to enter once a day. Still others have no entry limits. You may be able to enter by mail, phone or online, but make sure not to enter more than once a day if the rules specify this.
Third, check the dates of the contest to see if it is still going on. It is often reported that players have a greater chance of winning contests that have a shorter length. For example, a contest spanning six weeks will attract fewer entrants than a contest spanning months.
Fourth, use the appropriate entry form, which is either an official entry blank (OEB) or a specially sized card or paper. Fill out the information neatly and accurately.
What are special tips for contests involving a talent?
Recipe contests or essay contests often have wonderful prizes and attract fewer entrants because many people do not take the time to enter, or feel they do not have the talents to win. Like other contests, follow the rules carefully. If it is a recipe, test it first. For an essay contest, follow the specified word count, and check spelling and grammar.
What special tips are there for winning mail-in contests?
If entries are unlimited, decide how many times to enter the contest. Each mail-in entry requires a postage stamp, so your budget will be a determining factor. Some contest winners decorate their envelopes to attract attention. Others leave them blank. Experiment and see what brings more prizes your way! Some contest winners spread out their entries over the life of a contest, and many send in multiple entries at a time (each in a separate envelope).
What special tips are there for winning contests in stores?
Fold your entry form! Crinkle it. Dog-ear the corner. Do anything to make your form bigger and bulkier than others in the box. Enter as often as allowed.
Are some contests easier to win?
Some contest winners say that they win more prizes when the contest requires writing something (like a UPC number) or finding an answer. Many people don’t take time to enter these contests, so odds of winning are greater.
How can I find out about contests?
There are contest newsletters, as well as websites for sweepstakers. Visit big company websites and look for contests there. Check your local stores. You’ll be surprised what you’ll find.
Contests and sweepstakes offer wonderful prizes that make dreams come true for thousands of people. Remember, a little skill can pay off with big prizes.
Based on information published in national magazines and papers, it is believed a minimum of somewhere near FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS is given away each year in PRIZE CONTESTS. Is it any wonder that smart people, men and women of all ages in about every walk of life, are taking home these prizes? Some devote their full time to solving contests for money (or prizes), usually of extremely sizeable amounts and value. Refer to about every magazine you see, a large number of newspapers, about all TV and Radio stations - to name a few - plus some publications which are 100% CONTEST NEWS.
Many persons receive many times larger yearly total earnings devoting their full time or a generous part of their spare time to solving the CONTESTS which come to their attention. They do it year after year as their ONLY occupation. Others like to try their hand solving contests whenever they feel in the mood, but do no have any regular time schedule to tie them down.
An article in the Wall Street Journal stated that many spare time contest men and women receive over $600 year after year. One article I read states that someone they knew had earned in excess of $40,000 and had solved more than 2,000 contests for prizes. Another item I read says some other contest solver won over 80 different contests to receive over $25,000 within TWELVE MONTHS.
However, a study of winning CONTESTS proves for the most part that it is not based on luck. Therefore, it is wise to find out what the true fundamentals are before one starts. That way alone, it is possible for one to compete with the others working on the solution of the same contest. You’ll find the necessary (easy-to-understand and follow) instructions in this text.
A. Be sure that you carefully read the rules of each contest - and understand before you start - that these rules must be followed, in every particular, in order to win, or be one of the top winners. Almost half of all contests entries are thrown out, with hardly more than a single “glance” by the contest headquarters, for the sole reason, that the sender did not follow the clearly printed rules. It pays to be extremely careful when working on any contest. Check and recheck it with the rules before you mail it in.
B. Be sure your entry is as neatly presented as possible. This is extremely important. Whenever possible typewrite your entry, as this adds greatly to the neatness requirement. If you do not have a typewriter or a friend who would type it for you, and you are obliged to mail it in longhand, write neatly, and only with a pen and ink - never with a lead pencil.
C. Mail your entry in a suitable large sized envelope, even if you have to go to your nearest store to buy it.
D. If the contest requires a box top or label, coupon, etc., make sure that you do not forget to enclose it in the envelope. (You may be surprised to learn that many do forget - so their entry is discarded - even if in all other ways it is the best, qualifying for the top prize money.)
You’ll find that your chances for winning are multiplied ten fold if you own or rent from a library the latest unabridged dictionary as well as a copy of a thesaurus.
Some of the winners of the larger contests are strong in their feeling that one should have a Rhyming Dictionary, an Almanac, Atlas, and one of the many editions of a Crossword Puzzle Dictionary. Most folks have a dictionary and encyclopedia. Both are needed to properly enter most contests. Time and time again, one or the other of the books will come up with the word or answer your seek to solve the contest.
However, for folks just starting, and with limited money to spend, you should confine yourself to the books named above that you may now have and buy the others as you win smaller contests and can afford to.
E. Visit your nearest (or best) public library and ask the clerk to help you locate their various books, magazines, etc., relating to contests. Make notes on the winners of contests - their style or entry - for your future thoughts and guidance. Jot down in a notebook the things you want to remember or refer to, or think you would be likely to want to consider at some future date. It will most likely prove priceless to you much more quickly than you think. It will help you to think of first prize winning steps to take, etc.
F. An ever-increasing number of larger firms feel contests help them put their items or offers in the right hands with the best results. They therefore often start a new contest almost as soon as their last one is completed. This is especially true in contests where a wrapper, label or box top, bottle cap, etc. is requested. This method is usually very successful in getting more people to try their product than any other form of advertising.
G. Above all else, make a point of having your entry worded as briefly as you can. Many contests even ask for an opinion within an specified number of words. In other words, the advertiser wants you to tell him briefly why you prefer his product to any other
“Wheatne is preferred by me because it tastes better than any other breakfast cereal, has less calories, sugar and other fattening items, with a much higher food value.”
“I buy ZOKA soap because it suds best in hard water, and pampers one’s skin. ZOKA keeps my complexion youthful looking as if I had used the costly creams.”
Always study the product completely and make notes on your scrap pad of all the ways it pleases you, over competitive brands. Make your story clean-cut with clearly understood “selling” phrases. Be enthusiastic, but always sincere and truthful. Whenever possible, tell about your personal results in using the item.
Don’t be in a rush to mail the entry to the contest headquarters firm - professionals put their first drafts to one side, then refer to it “tomorrow” or the next day, rewriting it over and over again (usually) until they feel it is their very best work. Then, they mail it in. It pays and pays big to follow the methods of the professionals.
Perhaps just about every entry sent in on any contest is “Point Rated”. If you checked your entry, before mailing it in, comparing it to the 8-point method below, you could know in advance if your entry has a far above average opportunity of being one of the winners - perhaps even the top grand prize.
1. References to the accomplishments of the product or item.2. Expression of thought, new ideas, originality.3. Effective combination of words, sentences, etc.4. Truthfulness - or is it believable.5. Creativeness by fresh thoughts or comments6. Briefness, easily understood by all.7. Arouse thoughts, create emotions.8. Make a sales-promoting image, text creates a “picture”.
I think most folks would not need teaching on jingles or limericks, where you are asked to insert the last line of a poem. These are popular and much money could be made adding the last line. The best method would be to almost memorize the lines given to you first, then make your last line either clever, or unusual, (or both). Your rhyming dictionary will be of tremendous help in winning top prizes in this form of contest.
Picture and Number Puzzles are always popular. These contests (in my opinion) do not need instructions beyond one’s common sense. The chief thing to remember is to carefully read the rules and to follow the instructions of the advertiser. This type of contest does require considerable time, thought and study. Take your time. Go over all rules time and time again. When you feel confident your entry is your best work, then and only then mail it in. This kind of contest almost always seems to wind up with a sizeable number of tied contestants, requiring another “run off” to decide the winner, and sometimes more than one “run off”. For this reason, it is not the most popular with the professionals. Usually “beginners” try their hand at them.
Name contests are always popular - a manufacturer wants the public to select a good name for one of his items, and offers a sizeable award for the entry he or his advertising agents regard as the best of all. Remember to tie the sponsor’s item or product into your reply of the name you feel is best. Make it catchy and easy to remember for the best possibility of being the winner.
Guessing contests, as the name implies, are in my opinion, at least 90% luck. Professionals rarely enter them. The idea is, of course, to guess how many cans of a specific brand of condensed milk is in a barrel, or how many boxes of a maker’s breakfast food is wedged into a telephone booth, etc. These are 90% luck, combined with an estimation of count.
Contests asking for the creation of slogans are always worked out by the professional with the use of a dictionary. These contests are the ideal ones to enter.
Contests in the field of photographs are both interesting and profitable, so enter when you use the instruction and guidance in this instruction text.
Contests for an essay as well as for word building are always of keen interest to the professional. Instruction in this text points the way to become a professional. With this set of instructions to refer to as you tackle each contest, you should have a far above average chance of being a top prize winner in an extremely short period of time. Good luck.
Based on information published in national magazines and papers, it is believed a minimum of somewhere near FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS is given away each year in PRIZE CONTESTS. Is it any wonder that smart people, men and women of all ages in about every walk of life, are taking home these prizes? Some devote their full time to solving contests for money (or prizes), usually of extremely sizeable amounts and value. Refer to about every magazine you see, a large number of newspapers, about all TV and Radio stations - to name a few - plus some publications which are 100% CONTEST NEWS.
Many persons receive many times larger yearly total earnings devoting their full time or a generous part of their spare time to solving the CONTESTS which come to their attention. They do it year after year as their ONLY occupation. Others like to try their hand solving contests whenever they feel in the mood, but do no have any regular time schedule to tie them down.
An article in the Wall Street Journal stated that many spare time contest men and women receive over $600 year after year. One article I read states that someone they knew had earned in excess of $40,000 and had solved more than 2,000 contests for prizes. Another item I read says some other contest solver won over 80 different contests to receive over $25,000 within TWELVE MONTHS.
However, a study of winning CONTESTS proves for the most part that it is not based on luck. Therefore, it is wise to find out what the true fundamentals are before one starts. That way alone, it is possible for one to compete with the others working on the solution of the same contest. You’ll find the necessary (easy-to-understand and follow) instructions in this text.
A. Be sure that you carefully read the rules of each contest - and understand before you start - that these rules must be followed, in every particular, in order to win, or be one of the top winners. Almost half of all contests entries are thrown out, with hardly more than a single “glance” by the contest headquarters, for the sole reason, that the sender did not follow the clearly printed rules. It pays to be extremely careful when working on any contest. Check and recheck it with the rules before you mail it in.
B. Be sure your entry is as neatly presented as possible. This is extremely important. Whenever possible typewrite your entry, as this adds greatly to the neatness requirement. If you do not have a typewriter or a friend who would type it for you, and you are obliged to mail it in longhand, write neatly, and only with a pen and ink - never with a lead pencil.
C. Mail your entry in a suitable large sized envelope, even if you have to go to your nearest store to buy it.
D. If the contest requires a box top or label, coupon, etc., make sure that you do not forget to enclose it in the envelope. (You may be surprised to learn that many do forget - so their entry is discarded - even if in all other ways it is the best, qualifying for the top prize money.)
You’ll find that your chances for winning are multiplied ten fold if you own or rent from a library the latest unabridged dictionary as well as a copy of a thesaurus.
Some of the winners of the larger contests are strong in their feeling that one should have a Rhyming Dictionary, an Almanac, Atlas, and one of the many editions of a Crossword Puzzle Dictionary. Most folks have a dictionary and encyclopedia. Both are needed to properly enter most contests. Time and time again, one or the other of the books will come up with the word or answer your seek to solve the contest.
However, for folks just starting, and with limited money to spend, you should confine yourself to the books named above that you may now have and buy the others as you win smaller contests and can afford to.
E. Visit your nearest (or best) public library and ask the clerk to help you locate their various books, magazines, etc., relating to contests. Make notes on the winners of contests - their style or entry - for your future thoughts and guidance. Jot down in a notebook the things you want to remember or refer to, or think you would be likely to want to consider at some future date. It will most likely prove priceless to you much more quickly than you think. It will help you to think of first prize winning steps to take, etc.
F. An ever-increasing number of larger firms feel contests help them put their items or offers in the right hands with the best results. They therefore often start a new contest almost as soon as their last one is completed. This is especially true in contests where a wrapper, label or box top, bottle cap, etc. is requested. This method is usually very successful in getting more people to try their product than any other form of advertising.
G. Above all else, make a point of having your entry worded as briefly as you can. Many contests even ask for an opinion within an specified number of words. In other words, the advertiser wants you to tell him briefly why you prefer his product to any other
“Wheatne is preferred by me because it tastes better than any other breakfast cereal, has less calories, sugar and other fattening items, with a much higher food value.”
“I buy ZOKA soap because it suds best in hard water, and pampers one’s skin. ZOKA keeps my complexion youthful looking as if I had used the costly creams.”
Always study the product completely and make notes on your scrap pad of all the ways it pleases you, over competitive brands. Make your story clean-cut with clearly understood “selling” phrases. Be enthusiastic, but always sincere and truthful. Whenever possible, tell about your personal results in using the item.
Don’t be in a rush to mail the entry to the contest headquarters firm - professionals put their first drafts to one side, then refer to it “tomorrow” or the next day, rewriting it over and over again (usually) until they feel it is their very best work. Then, they mail it in. It pays and pays big to follow the methods of the professionals.
Perhaps just about every entry sent in on any contest is “Point Rated”. If you checked your entry, before mailing it in, comparing it to the 8-point method below, you could know in advance if your entry has a far above average opportunity of being one of the winners - perhaps even the top grand prize.
1. References to the accomplishments of the product or item.2. Expression of thought, new ideas, originality.3. Effective combination of words, sentences, etc.4. Truthfulness - or is it believable.5. Creativeness by fresh thoughts or comments6. Briefness, easily understood by all.7. Arouse thoughts, create emotions.8. Make a sales-promoting image, text creates a “picture”.
I think most folks would not need teaching on jingles or limericks, where you are asked to insert the last line of a poem. These are popular and much money could be made adding the last line. The best method would be to almost memorize the lines given to you first, then make your last line either clever, or unusual, (or both). Your rhyming dictionary will be of tremendous help in winning top prizes in this form of contest.
Picture and Number Puzzles are always popular. These contests (in my opinion) do not need instructions beyond one’s common sense. The chief thing to remember is to carefully read the rules and to follow the instructions of the advertiser. This type of contest does require considerable time, thought and study. Take your time. Go over all rules time and time again. When you feel confident your entry is your best work, then and only then mail it in. This kind of contest almost always seems to wind up with a sizeable number of tied contestants, requiring another “run off” to decide the winner, and sometimes more than one “run off”. For this reason, it is not the most popular with the professionals. Usually “beginners” try their hand at them.
Name contests are always popular - a manufacturer wants the public to select a good name for one of his items, and offers a sizeable award for the entry he or his advertising agents regard as the best of all. Remember to tie the sponsor’s item or product into your reply of the name you feel is best. Make it catchy and easy to remember for the best possibility of being the winner.
Guessing contests, as the name implies, are in my opinion, at least 90% luck. Professionals rarely enter them. The idea is, of course, to guess how many cans of a specific brand of condensed milk is in a barrel, or how many boxes of a maker’s breakfast food is wedged into a telephone booth, etc. These are 90% luck, combined with an estimation of count.
Contests asking for the creation of slogans are always worked out by the professional with the use of a dictionary. These contests are the ideal ones to enter.
Contests in the field of photographs are both interesting and profitable, so enter when you use the instruction and guidance in this instruction text.
Contests for an essay as well as for word building are always of keen interest to the professional. Instruction in this text points the way to become a professional. With this set of instructions to refer to as you tackle each contest, you should have a far above average chance of being a top prize winner in an extremely short period of time. Good luck.
How To Win Contest
Some people are contest junkies while others find them a waste of time, feeling they will never win. Then there is the occasional player who takes a chance with Lady Luck. The truth is that while many contests are a long shot, some provide a reasonable chance at winning prizes or money, such as those based on skill or creativity. Even contests based solely on luck are winnable and these tips can help increase
Determine why you want to enter contests and solidify your goals in writing or with a photo of what you would do with the winnings. Often the goal is money, but in some cases it is notoriety. Regardless, it is a positive mental attitude that will keep you motivated and visualizing your goals and imagining life as a winner can make a difference.
Examine the rules closely for the contests you plan to enter. It is worth a couple of minutes to ensure that your entry is not disqualified and it will also enable you to view the odds of winning, where applicable.
Make a plan for the type of contests you wish to focus on and make a schedule if you’re a regular participant. Even if you only possess 5 to 15 minutes a day to spend on contests, it’s the regularity that counts in improving your contest odds.
Look for contests that are less heavily publicized and/or that may be restricted to certain geographical regions or age groups. Additionally, aim for contest that offer multiple prizes to further increase your chances of winning.
Try contests based on skill or part skill to limit competition, be it cooking contests, prose, intellectual challenges, or video submissions. For contests that involve talent or creativity ensure that you edit and re-edit your work and obtain a second opinion. Put forth your best submission, one that you know is a winner.
Make online contests easier to enter by using a “form filler” such as RoboForm to enter repetitive data (name, e-mail, address and phone number) with a click of the mouse. The easier a contest is to enter, the more likely you will submit entries regularly and increase your winning odds.
Gather and use multiple sources of contest listing and entries. Some options include websites dedicated to contest listings, Google alerts, magazines, retailer newsletters and local vendors.
Some people are contest junkies while others find them a waste of time, feeling they will never win. Then there is the occasional player who takes a chance with Lady Luck. The truth is that while many contests are a long shot, some provide a reasonable chance at winning prizes or money, such as those based on skill or creativity. Even contests based solely on luck are winnable and these tips can help increase
Determine why you want to enter contests and solidify your goals in writing or with a photo of what you would do with the winnings. Often the goal is money, but in some cases it is notoriety. Regardless, it is a positive mental attitude that will keep you motivated and visualizing your goals and imagining life as a winner can make a difference.
Examine the rules closely for the contests you plan to enter. It is worth a couple of minutes to ensure that your entry is not disqualified and it will also enable you to view the odds of winning, where applicable.
Make a plan for the type of contests you wish to focus on and make a schedule if you’re a regular participant. Even if you only possess 5 to 15 minutes a day to spend on contests, it’s the regularity that counts in improving your contest odds.
Look for contests that are less heavily publicized and/or that may be restricted to certain geographical regions or age groups. Additionally, aim for contest that offer multiple prizes to further increase your chances of winning.
Try contests based on skill or part skill to limit competition, be it cooking contests, prose, intellectual challenges, or video submissions. For contests that involve talent or creativity ensure that you edit and re-edit your work and obtain a second opinion. Put forth your best submission, one that you know is a winner.
Make online contests easier to enter by using a “form filler” such as RoboForm to enter repetitive data (name, e-mail, address and phone number) with a click of the mouse. The easier a contest is to enter, the more likely you will submit entries regularly and increase your winning odds.
Gather and use multiple sources of contest listing and entries. Some options include websites dedicated to contest listings, Google alerts, magazines, retailer newsletters and local vendors.
Jumaat, 20 Februari 2009
contoh slogan
'Setengah abad menjunjung rahmat, menyarung alunan pejuang terhebat, teguh hati kata sepakat, maruah bangsa jadi azimat, darah mengalir tiada penamat, biar zuriat hidup bertempat, merdeka! laungan keramat.''
Sejarah dijajah tak kan berulang kerana kami generasi cemerlang, utuh perpaduan alas sandaran, pengukir harapan penegak wawasan, membangun tamadun mencipta gemilang, merdeka! laungan terbilang.'
Sejarah dijajah tak kan berulang kerana kami generasi cemerlang, utuh perpaduan alas sandaran, pengukir harapan penegak wawasan, membangun tamadun mencipta gemilang, merdeka! laungan terbilang.'
Soalan Kuiz
1. Nama Johor berasal daripada
C. Perkataan Arab 'Jauhar' yang bermaksud 'Permata Berharga'
2. Anak bulan dan bintang yang berwarna putih pada bendera negeri Johor adalah simbolik kepada Agama Islam dan Raja yang berdaulat. Bahagian yang berwarna biru tua membawa maksud kerajaan negeri. Warna merah pula melambangkan
C. Hulubalang yang mempertahankan negeri
3. Terletak di lokasi strategik di atas bukit menghadap Selat Tebrau, pembinaannya telah memakan masa selama 8 tahun (1893 - 1900) dengan kos perbelanjaan sebanyak RM 400,000. Apakah bangunan yang dimaksudkan?
A. Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar
4. Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia (MSAM) adalah antara agenda tahunan negara yang mendapat sokongan pelbagai pihak termasuk agensi kerajaan, kerajaan negeri dan juga pihak media. Penganjuran MSAM 2009 di Johor Bahru merupakan penganjurannya untuk kali ke:
C. Sepuluh
5. Tema Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia (MSAM) 2009 ialah:
C. Peneraju Pendidikan Pelaburan
6. Unit amanah yang manakah menawarkan pelaburan menerusi potongan gaji?
C. Skim ASB, ASW 2020, ASD
7. Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW 2020) terbuka kepada:
B. Warganegara Malaysia berumur 6 bulan dan ke atas
8. Unit amanah merupakan salah satu instrumen pelaburan yang menjadi pilihan para pelabur masa kini. Apakah definisi unit amanah?
A. Skim pelaburan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada ramai pelabur yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama
B. Skim simpanan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada individu-individu yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama
C. Skim perniagaan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada orang ramai yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama.
D. Skim pelaburan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada syarikat-syarikat yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama.
9. Susunkan tabung unit amanah berikut mengikut tahun pelancarannya, dari yang terawal hingga yang terkini?
10. Pelabur boleh menggunakan kaedah berikut untuk melabur dalam Skim ASB, KECUALI:
C. Skim Pelaburan Ahli KWSP
1. Nama Johor berasal daripada
C. Perkataan Arab 'Jauhar' yang bermaksud 'Permata Berharga'
2. Anak bulan dan bintang yang berwarna putih pada bendera negeri Johor adalah simbolik kepada Agama Islam dan Raja yang berdaulat. Bahagian yang berwarna biru tua membawa maksud kerajaan negeri. Warna merah pula melambangkan
C. Hulubalang yang mempertahankan negeri
3. Terletak di lokasi strategik di atas bukit menghadap Selat Tebrau, pembinaannya telah memakan masa selama 8 tahun (1893 - 1900) dengan kos perbelanjaan sebanyak RM 400,000. Apakah bangunan yang dimaksudkan?
A. Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar
4. Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia (MSAM) adalah antara agenda tahunan negara yang mendapat sokongan pelbagai pihak termasuk agensi kerajaan, kerajaan negeri dan juga pihak media. Penganjuran MSAM 2009 di Johor Bahru merupakan penganjurannya untuk kali ke:
C. Sepuluh
5. Tema Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia (MSAM) 2009 ialah:
C. Peneraju Pendidikan Pelaburan
6. Unit amanah yang manakah menawarkan pelaburan menerusi potongan gaji?
C. Skim ASB, ASW 2020, ASD
7. Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW 2020) terbuka kepada:
B. Warganegara Malaysia berumur 6 bulan dan ke atas
8. Unit amanah merupakan salah satu instrumen pelaburan yang menjadi pilihan para pelabur masa kini. Apakah definisi unit amanah?
A. Skim pelaburan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada ramai pelabur yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama
B. Skim simpanan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada individu-individu yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama
C. Skim perniagaan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada orang ramai yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama.
D. Skim pelaburan yang mengumpulkan wang daripada syarikat-syarikat yang berkongsi matlamat yang sama.
9. Susunkan tabung unit amanah berikut mengikut tahun pelancarannya, dari yang terawal hingga yang terkini?
10. Pelabur boleh menggunakan kaedah berikut untuk melabur dalam Skim ASB, KECUALI:
C. Skim Pelaburan Ahli KWSP
PRIZE: Johan : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM7,000
Kedua : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM6,000 x 2 pemenang
Ketiga : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM5,000 x 2 pemenang
Keempat : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM4,000 x 2 pemenang
Kelima : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM3,000 x 3 pemenang
Keenam : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM2,000 x 3 pemenang
Ketujuh : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Kelapan : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Kesembilan : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Kesepuluh : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Nota : Amanah Saham 3 Imbang ("ASN3")
DEADLINE: 27 April, 200WEBSITE/URL: http://www.pnb.com.my/esudokuiz/content.cfm?ID=39BCD0DC-B478-6EBC-319CF219870AA4DB
DESCRIPTION:Peraduan e-Sudokuiz MSAM 2009 merupakan lanjutan kepada e-Kuiz MSAM 2008. Tahun ini, kuiz sempena agenda tahunan negara ini diselitkan dengan pendekatan silang kata Sudoku di samping mengekalkan soalan berbentuk kuiz serta slogan. Secara amnya, peraduan ini menerapkan konsep peraduan 3 dalam 1 yang menuntut ketajaman fikiran dan akal logik untuk menyelesaikan silang kata bernombor dan pada masa yang sama menguji kefahaman tentang pelaburan dan produk-produk unit amanah ASNB. Seperti tahun lalu, aktiviti ini merupakan pra MSAM yang dianjurkan khusus untuk menguar-uarkan mengenai penganjuran MSAM 2009 yang akan berlangsung bermula 18 April hingga 27 April, 2009 bertempat di Padang B, Plaza Angsana, Johor Baru, Johor.
PRIZE: Johan : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM7,000
Kedua : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM6,000 x 2 pemenang
Ketiga : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM5,000 x 2 pemenang
Keempat : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM4,000 x 2 pemenang
Kelima : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM3,000 x 3 pemenang
Keenam : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM2,000 x 3 pemenang
Ketujuh : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Kelapan : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Kesembilan : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Kesepuluh : Unit ASN3 bernilai RM1,000
Nota : Amanah Saham 3 Imbang ("ASN3")
DEADLINE: 27 April, 200WEBSITE/URL: http://www.pnb.com.my/esudokuiz/content.cfm?ID=39BCD0DC-B478-6EBC-319CF219870AA4DB
DESCRIPTION:Peraduan e-Sudokuiz MSAM 2009 merupakan lanjutan kepada e-Kuiz MSAM 2008. Tahun ini, kuiz sempena agenda tahunan negara ini diselitkan dengan pendekatan silang kata Sudoku di samping mengekalkan soalan berbentuk kuiz serta slogan. Secara amnya, peraduan ini menerapkan konsep peraduan 3 dalam 1 yang menuntut ketajaman fikiran dan akal logik untuk menyelesaikan silang kata bernombor dan pada masa yang sama menguji kefahaman tentang pelaburan dan produk-produk unit amanah ASNB. Seperti tahun lalu, aktiviti ini merupakan pra MSAM yang dianjurkan khusus untuk menguar-uarkan mengenai penganjuran MSAM 2009 yang akan berlangsung bermula 18 April hingga 27 April, 2009 bertempat di Padang B, Plaza Angsana, Johor Baru, Johor.
Khamis, 19 Februari 2009
sindiket penipuan sms
SINDIKET penipuan menggunakan khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) semakin menjadi-jadi!Mangsa sindiket ini meliputi pelbagai golongan yang terpedaya kononnya mereka menjadi pemilik kad SIM (Modul Pengenalan Pelanggan) telefon bimbit yang bertuah memenangi hadiah wang tunai sehingga RM50,000.Sindiket ini membuat tawaran hadiah palsu dengan mendakwa kononnya ia daripada syarikat besar tertentu seperti Petronas, Shell, Astro, Maybank, PowerRoot, Maxis, Celcom dan DiGi.Bagaimanapun, semua SMS palsu itu sebenarnya tiada kaitan dengan syarikat terbabit. Malah dari semasa ke semasa syarikat tersebut membuat penafian mengenai penglibatan mereka.Mangsa yang disyaratkan membayar caj pemerosesan sehingga RM10,000, hanya menyedari tertipu selepas hadiah wang tunai yang dijanjikan tidak dimasukkan ke akaun mereka.Siasatan pihak berkuasa mendapati hampir kesemua ahli sindiket ini adalah warga asing, kebanyakannya dari Indonesia.Ketika baru 10 hari melangkah tahun 2009, 15 anggota sindiket SMS hadiah palsu yang beroperasi di Indonesia ditahan polis Sabah.Menerusi laporan khas ini, wartawan WAN NOOR HAYATI WAN ALIAS mendedahkan mengenai modus operandi sindiket ini dan bagaimana mangsa-mangsa tertipu kerana kesilapan sendiri, bukannya penglibatan orang dalam institusi perbankan.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________KUALA LUMPUR 3 Feb. – Teruja untuk mendapat sejumlah wang yang banyak secara mudah, ramai terpedaya dengan khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) kononnya mereka memenangi hadiah wang tunai.Akibatnya lebih 1,500 orang kerugian dengan nilai keseluruhan lebih RM11 juta sepanjang 2007 dan 2008.Kandungan setiap SMS itu kononnya mereka memenangi hadiah wang tunai RM10,000 hingga RM50,000 daripada syarikat tertentu.Sebahagian besar pemilik telefon bimbit pasti pernah menerima SMS dengan kandungan ayat yang hampir sama.Cuma sindiket itu akan menggunakan nama syarikat yang berlainan bagi setiap SMS kepada penerima-penerima berbeza.Ada juga SMS menyatakan bahawa penerima terpilih sebagai pelajar Akademi Fantasia (AF) atau SMS memenangi hadiah cabutan bertuah RM10,000 atau RM15,000 daripada Astro selaku penganjur AF.Persamaan semua SMS itu ialah selepas ‘pemenang hadiah’ menelefon 12 atau 13 digit nombor yang diberi, mereka akan diminta memasukkan wang sehingga RM10,000 ke dalam akaun bank sebagai caj pemerosesan.Ramai mangsa hanya menyedari tertipu selepas memasukkan wang itu ke nombor akaun yang diberi oleh anggota sindiket berkenaan sedangkan hadiah dijanjikan tidak dimasukkan ke akaun bank mereka.Ada juga yang memasukkan ‘wang pemerosesan’ itu ke dalam akaun sendiri sehingga tidak mengesyaki apa-apa sehinggalah menyedari wang mereka di bank telah ‘dikebas’ oleh sindiket itu.Walaupun wang dimasukkan ke akaun sendiri namun dalam sedar atau tanpa sedar mereka telah memberi beberapa maklumat rahsia kepada ahli sindiket tersebut.Ini membolehkan sindiket itu sewenang-wenangnya menceroboh akaun mereka termasuk memindahkan bukan saja ‘wang pemerosesan’ itu malah keseluruhan baki wang di bank.Antara maklumat rahsia tetapi diberikan oleh mangsa kepada sindiket itu ialah nombor akaun bank dan nombor kad ATM (mesin pengeluaran wang automatik).Satu lagi ialah, mangsa yang ‘kurang pengetahuan’ akur mengikut arahan sindiket menggunakan mesin ATM bagi mendaftarkan nombor pengenalan peribadi (PIN) untuk daftar masuk (login) ke perkhidmatan perbankan online.Dalam keadaan biasa, nombor PIN untuk perkhidmatan online yang didaftarkan di mesin ATM itu adalah rahsia dan atas pilihan sendiri.Tetapi dalam kes penipuan ini, mangsa diberikan enam digit nombor oleh sindiket itu untuk didaftarkan sebagai nombor PIN akses ke perkhidmatan perbankan online.Dengan maklumat-maklumat rahsia tersebut, sudah cukup untuk sindiket tersebut mengaktifkan perkhidmatan online akaun bank mangsa.Pada masa yang sama, ketika menceroboh akaun mangsa, dengan maklumat rahsia itu sindiket mempunyai ‘kuasa penuh’ terhadap akaun tersebut termasuk memindahkan keseluruhan baki wang di dalamnya.Dengan modus operandi yang dinyatakan di atas, boleh dibuat kesimpulan ia tiada unsur-unsur penglibatan orang dalam di pihak bank untuk mengeluarkan wang daripada akaun mangsa.Sebaliknya, hampir semua mangsa tertipu disebabkan kecuaian sendiri. Ekoran terlalu gembira ‘mendapat hadiah wang tunai’ bernilai puluhan ribu ringgit, mereka sanggup memberitahu maklumat rahsia tentang akaun bank kepada orang lain.Sepanjang 2007 dan 2008, seramai 1,510 orang membuat laporan polis mengadu ditipu sindiket SMS tawaran hadiah palsu itu dengan nilai kerugian sepanjang dua tahun itu ialah RM11.1 juta.Itu hanya kes-kes yang dilaporkan. Sedangkan dipercayai ramai lagi mangsa tidak membuat laporan polis dan mendiamkan diri selepas nyaris tertipu.Dalam tempoh kedua-dua tahun itu juga, statistik aduan di Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia (TTPM) mendedahkan 2,957 orang telah menjadi mangsa penipuan SMS dan tawaran hadiah daripada peraduan-peraduan.Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial, Datuk Koh Hong Sun memberitahu Utusan Malaysia, 569 kes penipuan SMS hadiah palsu dilaporkan pada 2008 manakala 941 lagi kes dilaporkan pada 2007.Menurutnya, nilai kerugian pada 2008 ialah RM1.6 juta manakala pada tahun sebelumnya berjumlah RM9.5 juta.Beliau berkata, sepanjang 2008, seramai 40 orang ditahan kerana disyaki terlibat dalam sindiket penipuan melalui penghantaran SMS hadiah palsu itu.“Tiga orang daripada mereka telah dijatuhkan hukuman di mahkamah,” katanya ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di Bukit Aman di sini baru-baru ini.Menurut Hong Sun, sindiket itu tiada sasaran mangsa yang khusus sebaliknya menghantar ribuan SMS secara rambang kepada pemilik telefon bimbit di negara ini.Beliau mengesahkan, hampir kesemua pengirim SMS itu atau sindiket berkenaan menggunakan nombor telefon berdaftar di luar negara.“Polis dengan kerjasama pelbagai pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) tidak putus-putus menganjurkan kempen kesedaran bagi membendung sindiket penipuan tersebut.“Selain itu, polis turut menganjurkan hari bertemu pelanggan dan sesi dialog bersama komuniti setempat bagi meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai penipuan sindiket itu,” katanya.Bagi Hong Sun, orang ramai perlu bertindak sendiri menghentikan kegiatan sindiket ini. Caranya – padamkan SMS yang seumpamanya atau terus melaporkannya kepada polis!Woooo ..............Hmm..........
Selasa, 17 Februari 2009
MUAMALAT GIA & ONEReach ACCOUNT-I 2009 : Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions:
The campaign starts from 1 February 2009 to 31May 2009 (‘Campaign Period’). Kempen ini bermula dari 1 Februari hingga 31 Mei 2009 (‘Tempoh Kempen’).
The Campaign is open to all Malaysian citizens and non-citizens aged 18 and above EXCEPT the personnel of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (hereinafter referred to as BMMB).Kempen ini terbuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia berumur 18 tahun dan ke atas KECUALI warga Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (berikutnya akan dirujuk sebagai BMMB)
BMMB’s decision on all matters relating to this Campaign, including the determination of eligible customers will be final, binding and no further correspondence or attempts to dispute such decisions will be entertained.Segala keputusan BMMB berkaitan perkara-perkara yang berkenaan dengan Kempen, termasuk pemilihan pelanggan yang layak adalah muktamad dan termaktub serta sebarang pertanyaan, rayuan, bantahan dan surat menyurat tidak akan dilayan.
New customers (ONEReach Savings / Current Account & GIA)Any new customer who opens and deposits either:- (i) RM1,000 or more into ONEReach Savings / Current Account; OR (ii) RM3, 000 or more into General Investment Account (GIA), from 1 February 2009 to 31 May 2009 could stand a chance to win fabulous prizes! For every RM1,000 credit balance in ONEReach Savings / Current Accounts OR every RM3,000 deposited in General Investment Account (GIA), customer will be entitled to one (1) entry. The minimum placement for either ONEReach Savings / Current Account or GIA is a 3-consecutive month period.Pelanggan baru ( Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach & GIA)Mana-mana pelanggan baru yang membuka dan mendepositkan sama ada:- (i) RM1,000 atau lebih ke dalam Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach; ATAU (ii) RM3,000 atau lebih ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA), dari 1 Februari hingga 31 Mei 2009 berpeluang untuk memenangi hadiah-hadiah menarik! Untuk setiap baki kredit RM1,000 di dalam Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach ATAU setiap RM3,000 yang didepositkan ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA), pelanggan layak mendapat satu (1) peluang kemasukan. Tempoh minima penyimpanan atau pendepositan sama ada Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach or GIA ialah selama 3 bulan berturut-turut.
Existing Customers (ONEReach Savings / Current Account)Any existing customer who maintains the minimum credit balance of RM1,000 or more as at 31 January 2009 in the ONEReach Savings / Current Account will be automatically entitled for the Campaign. Pelanggan sedia ada (Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach)Mana-mana pelanggan sedia yang mengekalkan baki kredit minima sebanyak RM1,000 atau lebih setakat 31 Januari 2009 di dalam Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach, penyertaan adalah layak secara automatic untuk Kempen ini.
Existing Customers (GIA)Any existing customer who currently maintains GIA with BMMB and is interested to enter into the Campaign shall be required to open new GIA(s) OR any GIA contract renewal within the Campaign period with a minimum deposit of RM3, 000 and to be maintained for a minimum period of three (3) consecutive months for the Campaign entitlement.Pelanggan sedia ada (GIA)Mana-mana pelanggan sedia ada yang memegang GIA dengan BMMB dan berminat untuk menyertai Kempen ini dikehendaki membuka akaun GIA yang baru ATAU memperbaharui mana-mana GIA kontrak sepanjang bulan Kempen dengan jumlah deposit minima sebanyak RM3,000 yang dikekalkan sehingga tempoh minima tiga (3) bulan berturut-turut bagi membolehkan layak untuk mendapatkan peluang kemasukan.
As a condition to the Campaign, the customer shall hereby authorize BMMB to earmark the minimum amount of RM1,000 for ONEReach Savings / Current Account or RM3,000 for GIA for the minimum period of three (3) consecutive months (‘the said retention period’) respectively. If, at any time, during the said retention period, the customer’s account is closed or the minimum amount has to be withdrawn for any reasons whatsoever, the customer’s entry to the Campaign shall be deemed as null and void. Sebagai syarat kepada Kempen ini, pelanggan dengan ini hendaklah memberikuasa kepada BMMB untuk memperuntukkan jumlah minima sebanyak RM1,000 bagi Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach atau RM3,000 untuk Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA) bagi tempoh minima 3 bulan berturut-turut (‘tempoh tahanan tersebut’) masing-masing. Sekiranya, pada bila-bila masa, dalam tempoh tahanan tersebut akaun pelanggan ditutup ataupun jumlah minima dikeluarkan di atas apa-apa sebab sekalipun, penyertaan pelanggan tersebut hendaklah dengan itu dianggap terbatal dan tidak sah.
The placement of the deposit shall only be via over-the-counter transaction (e.g. cash and cheque). Nevertheless, the deposit by way of cheque shall be subject to clearance and confirmed credited to the customer’s account.Kemasukan deposit hanya diterima melalui transaksi di kaunter BMMB (seperti tunai dan cek) sahaja. Walaubagaimanapun, deposit melalui cek adalah tertakluk kepada penjelasan dan disahkan setelah dikreditkan ke dalam akaun pelanggan.
Winner Selection Winners will be selected based on random selection by system. Any decision by BMMB shall be final and does not subject to any objection. Subject to clause 3 above, the more amount maintained in all accounts (except for the existing customer which the treatment shall be as per clause 4 or 5 above) with the multiple amount of RM1,000 for ONEReach Savings / Current Account or with the multiple amount of RM3,000 for General Investment Account (GIA) at the time of winner selection, the better chances the customer will get. Pemilihan PemenangPemenang-pemenang akan dipilih berdasarkan pilihan secara rawak melalui sistem (EXCEL). Segala keputusan BMMB adalah muktamad dan tidak tertakluk kepada sebarang bantahan. Tertakluk kepada klausa 3 di atas, lebih banyak jumlah baki amaun di dalam kesemua akaun pelanggan (melainkan untuk pelanggan sedia ada yang mana pelakuan 4 atau 5 di atas akan digunakan) dengan gandaan amaun sebanyak RM1,000 bagi Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach atau dengan gandaan amaun sebanyak RM3,000 untuk Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA) pada masa pemilihan pemenang dijalankan, lebih cerah peluang untuk dipilih sebagai pemenang.
Prizes offered for this Campaign are as follows:Hadiah-hadiah yang ditawarkan untuk Kempen ini adalah seperti berikut: • 1 X Grand Prize of a (1) car model of HONDA ACCORD VTEC (2.0) for combination of GIA / ONEReach Savings/Current Account winner Hadiah Utama merupakan sebuah (1) kereta model HONDA ACCORD VTEC (2.0) untuk gabungan pemenang GIA / Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach.• 2 X First Prizes of Golden Holidays (MAS) for UMRAH / Vacation Packages for 2 2 X Hadiah Pertama merupakan pakej UMRAH/Pelancongan Golden Holidays (MAS) untuk 2 orang.• Monthly Prizes of Golden Holidays (MAS) within South East Asia Hadiah Bulanan merupakan pakej Golden Holidays (MAS) untuk perjalanan dalam Asia Tenggara• Weekly Prizes of Golden Holidays (MAS) within Malaysia Hadiah Mingguan merupakan pakej Golden Holidays (MAS) untuk perjalanan dalam Malaysia
(Note: All the prizes shall be subject further to the Terms and Conditions to be imposed by BMMB or any other appointed agency(ies) and will be notified by the Bank to the selected winners as and when it occurs)(Nota: Semua hadiah adalah tertakluk kepada Terma-terma dan Syarat-syarat lanjutan sebagaimana yang akan ditetapkan oleh BMMB ataupun agensi-agensi yang dilantik oleh BMMB dan akan dimaklumkan kepada pemenang yang terpilih pada masa dan ketika ianya berlaku)
The winners will be notified via mail, and announcement through BMMB website and selected newspapers. Pemenang-pemenang akan diberitahu melalui surat, notis pemberitahuan di laman web BMMB serta suratkhabar-suratkhabar terpilih.
BMMB reserves the right to substitute any prize with another item of equivalent value without prior notice. All prizes are not transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash except with Bank’s discretion. BMMB berhak untuk menukar hadiah dengan barang yang setara nilai tanpa sebarang notis awal. Semua hadiah tidak boleh ditukar-milik, dikembalikan atau ditukar kepada wang tunai kecuali atas budi bicara pihak Bank.
Winners shall be determined by BMMB’s panel of judges whose decision shall be final and conclusive. No correspondence, queries, appeals or protests will be entertained.Pemenang akan ditentukan oleh panel hakim dari BMMB dan keputusan adalah muktamad. Sebarang pertanyaan, rayuan, bantahan dan surat menyurat tidak akan dilayan.
By participating in this Campaign, participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any decisions of BMMB, or any other terms imposed by the Bank’s appointed agency(ies) and the participants also hereby give their consent to and authorize BMMB, including but not limited to disclose, publish and/or display their particulars to third party service providers engaged by BMMB for the purposes of this campaign, if any. BMMB warrants that the disclosure of such particulars to any third party service providers, if any, shall be limited to the Participant’s name, I/C number, address, photograph and telephone number and shall be used only in relation to and for the purposes of this campaign including its advertisement or publicity purpose.Peserta yang menyertai kempen ini adalah dianggap telah bersetuju dan tertakluk kepada Terma-Terma dan Syarat-Syarat dan sebarang keputusan oleh pihak Bank dan juga terma-terma lain yang dikenakan oleh Agensi-Agensi yang dilantik oleh pihak Bank dan peserta juga dianggap telah memberi persetujuan dan membenarkan pihak Bank untuk mendedahkan,jaminan menyiarkan dan/atau mempamerkan butiran peserta kepada mana-mana pihak yang dilantik oleh pihak Bank dalam Kempen ini. Pihak Bank memberi jaminan bahawa butiran peserta adalah terhad kepada nama, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat, gambar dan nombor telefon dan hanya akan digunapakai dalam perkara yang berkaitan dengan Kempen ini sahaja termasuk pengiklanan dan tujuan publisiti.
In the event there is any conflict/discrepancy between the Bahasa Melayu version and the English version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.Sekiranya terdapat konflik terhadap Terma-terma dan Syarat-syarat diantara versi Bahasa Melayu dan versi Bahasa Inggeris, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan menjadi lebih mutlak dan terikat.
BMMB reserves the right to amend or waive the conditions or to terminate the offer at any time without prior notice.Pihak Bank berhak untuk meminda atau mengenepikan mana-mana syarat atau membatalkan tawaran pada bila-bila masa dan ketika tanpa sebarang notis awal.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia.Terma-terma dan Syarat-syarat ini adalah tertakluk dan termaktub di bawah Undang-Undang Malaysia.
Terms and Conditions:
The campaign starts from 1 February 2009 to 31May 2009 (‘Campaign Period’). Kempen ini bermula dari 1 Februari hingga 31 Mei 2009 (‘Tempoh Kempen’).
The Campaign is open to all Malaysian citizens and non-citizens aged 18 and above EXCEPT the personnel of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (hereinafter referred to as BMMB).Kempen ini terbuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia berumur 18 tahun dan ke atas KECUALI warga Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (berikutnya akan dirujuk sebagai BMMB)
BMMB’s decision on all matters relating to this Campaign, including the determination of eligible customers will be final, binding and no further correspondence or attempts to dispute such decisions will be entertained.Segala keputusan BMMB berkaitan perkara-perkara yang berkenaan dengan Kempen, termasuk pemilihan pelanggan yang layak adalah muktamad dan termaktub serta sebarang pertanyaan, rayuan, bantahan dan surat menyurat tidak akan dilayan.
New customers (ONEReach Savings / Current Account & GIA)Any new customer who opens and deposits either:- (i) RM1,000 or more into ONEReach Savings / Current Account; OR (ii) RM3, 000 or more into General Investment Account (GIA), from 1 February 2009 to 31 May 2009 could stand a chance to win fabulous prizes! For every RM1,000 credit balance in ONEReach Savings / Current Accounts OR every RM3,000 deposited in General Investment Account (GIA), customer will be entitled to one (1) entry. The minimum placement for either ONEReach Savings / Current Account or GIA is a 3-consecutive month period.Pelanggan baru ( Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach & GIA)Mana-mana pelanggan baru yang membuka dan mendepositkan sama ada:- (i) RM1,000 atau lebih ke dalam Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach; ATAU (ii) RM3,000 atau lebih ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA), dari 1 Februari hingga 31 Mei 2009 berpeluang untuk memenangi hadiah-hadiah menarik! Untuk setiap baki kredit RM1,000 di dalam Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach ATAU setiap RM3,000 yang didepositkan ke dalam Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA), pelanggan layak mendapat satu (1) peluang kemasukan. Tempoh minima penyimpanan atau pendepositan sama ada Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach or GIA ialah selama 3 bulan berturut-turut.
Existing Customers (ONEReach Savings / Current Account)Any existing customer who maintains the minimum credit balance of RM1,000 or more as at 31 January 2009 in the ONEReach Savings / Current Account will be automatically entitled for the Campaign. Pelanggan sedia ada (Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach)Mana-mana pelanggan sedia yang mengekalkan baki kredit minima sebanyak RM1,000 atau lebih setakat 31 Januari 2009 di dalam Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach, penyertaan adalah layak secara automatic untuk Kempen ini.
Existing Customers (GIA)Any existing customer who currently maintains GIA with BMMB and is interested to enter into the Campaign shall be required to open new GIA(s) OR any GIA contract renewal within the Campaign period with a minimum deposit of RM3, 000 and to be maintained for a minimum period of three (3) consecutive months for the Campaign entitlement.Pelanggan sedia ada (GIA)Mana-mana pelanggan sedia ada yang memegang GIA dengan BMMB dan berminat untuk menyertai Kempen ini dikehendaki membuka akaun GIA yang baru ATAU memperbaharui mana-mana GIA kontrak sepanjang bulan Kempen dengan jumlah deposit minima sebanyak RM3,000 yang dikekalkan sehingga tempoh minima tiga (3) bulan berturut-turut bagi membolehkan layak untuk mendapatkan peluang kemasukan.
As a condition to the Campaign, the customer shall hereby authorize BMMB to earmark the minimum amount of RM1,000 for ONEReach Savings / Current Account or RM3,000 for GIA for the minimum period of three (3) consecutive months (‘the said retention period’) respectively. If, at any time, during the said retention period, the customer’s account is closed or the minimum amount has to be withdrawn for any reasons whatsoever, the customer’s entry to the Campaign shall be deemed as null and void. Sebagai syarat kepada Kempen ini, pelanggan dengan ini hendaklah memberikuasa kepada BMMB untuk memperuntukkan jumlah minima sebanyak RM1,000 bagi Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach atau RM3,000 untuk Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA) bagi tempoh minima 3 bulan berturut-turut (‘tempoh tahanan tersebut’) masing-masing. Sekiranya, pada bila-bila masa, dalam tempoh tahanan tersebut akaun pelanggan ditutup ataupun jumlah minima dikeluarkan di atas apa-apa sebab sekalipun, penyertaan pelanggan tersebut hendaklah dengan itu dianggap terbatal dan tidak sah.
The placement of the deposit shall only be via over-the-counter transaction (e.g. cash and cheque). Nevertheless, the deposit by way of cheque shall be subject to clearance and confirmed credited to the customer’s account.Kemasukan deposit hanya diterima melalui transaksi di kaunter BMMB (seperti tunai dan cek) sahaja. Walaubagaimanapun, deposit melalui cek adalah tertakluk kepada penjelasan dan disahkan setelah dikreditkan ke dalam akaun pelanggan.
Winner Selection Winners will be selected based on random selection by system. Any decision by BMMB shall be final and does not subject to any objection. Subject to clause 3 above, the more amount maintained in all accounts (except for the existing customer which the treatment shall be as per clause 4 or 5 above) with the multiple amount of RM1,000 for ONEReach Savings / Current Account or with the multiple amount of RM3,000 for General Investment Account (GIA) at the time of winner selection, the better chances the customer will get. Pemilihan PemenangPemenang-pemenang akan dipilih berdasarkan pilihan secara rawak melalui sistem (EXCEL). Segala keputusan BMMB adalah muktamad dan tidak tertakluk kepada sebarang bantahan. Tertakluk kepada klausa 3 di atas, lebih banyak jumlah baki amaun di dalam kesemua akaun pelanggan (melainkan untuk pelanggan sedia ada yang mana pelakuan 4 atau 5 di atas akan digunakan) dengan gandaan amaun sebanyak RM1,000 bagi Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach atau dengan gandaan amaun sebanyak RM3,000 untuk Akaun Pelaburan Am (GIA) pada masa pemilihan pemenang dijalankan, lebih cerah peluang untuk dipilih sebagai pemenang.
Prizes offered for this Campaign are as follows:Hadiah-hadiah yang ditawarkan untuk Kempen ini adalah seperti berikut: • 1 X Grand Prize of a (1) car model of HONDA ACCORD VTEC (2.0) for combination of GIA / ONEReach Savings/Current Account winner Hadiah Utama merupakan sebuah (1) kereta model HONDA ACCORD VTEC (2.0) untuk gabungan pemenang GIA / Akaun Simpanan / Semasa ONEReach.• 2 X First Prizes of Golden Holidays (MAS) for UMRAH / Vacation Packages for 2 2 X Hadiah Pertama merupakan pakej UMRAH/Pelancongan Golden Holidays (MAS) untuk 2 orang.• Monthly Prizes of Golden Holidays (MAS) within South East Asia Hadiah Bulanan merupakan pakej Golden Holidays (MAS) untuk perjalanan dalam Asia Tenggara• Weekly Prizes of Golden Holidays (MAS) within Malaysia Hadiah Mingguan merupakan pakej Golden Holidays (MAS) untuk perjalanan dalam Malaysia
(Note: All the prizes shall be subject further to the Terms and Conditions to be imposed by BMMB or any other appointed agency(ies) and will be notified by the Bank to the selected winners as and when it occurs)(Nota: Semua hadiah adalah tertakluk kepada Terma-terma dan Syarat-syarat lanjutan sebagaimana yang akan ditetapkan oleh BMMB ataupun agensi-agensi yang dilantik oleh BMMB dan akan dimaklumkan kepada pemenang yang terpilih pada masa dan ketika ianya berlaku)
The winners will be notified via mail, and announcement through BMMB website and selected newspapers. Pemenang-pemenang akan diberitahu melalui surat, notis pemberitahuan di laman web BMMB serta suratkhabar-suratkhabar terpilih.
BMMB reserves the right to substitute any prize with another item of equivalent value without prior notice. All prizes are not transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash except with Bank’s discretion. BMMB berhak untuk menukar hadiah dengan barang yang setara nilai tanpa sebarang notis awal. Semua hadiah tidak boleh ditukar-milik, dikembalikan atau ditukar kepada wang tunai kecuali atas budi bicara pihak Bank.
Winners shall be determined by BMMB’s panel of judges whose decision shall be final and conclusive. No correspondence, queries, appeals or protests will be entertained.Pemenang akan ditentukan oleh panel hakim dari BMMB dan keputusan adalah muktamad. Sebarang pertanyaan, rayuan, bantahan dan surat menyurat tidak akan dilayan.
By participating in this Campaign, participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any decisions of BMMB, or any other terms imposed by the Bank’s appointed agency(ies) and the participants also hereby give their consent to and authorize BMMB, including but not limited to disclose, publish and/or display their particulars to third party service providers engaged by BMMB for the purposes of this campaign, if any. BMMB warrants that the disclosure of such particulars to any third party service providers, if any, shall be limited to the Participant’s name, I/C number, address, photograph and telephone number and shall be used only in relation to and for the purposes of this campaign including its advertisement or publicity purpose.Peserta yang menyertai kempen ini adalah dianggap telah bersetuju dan tertakluk kepada Terma-Terma dan Syarat-Syarat dan sebarang keputusan oleh pihak Bank dan juga terma-terma lain yang dikenakan oleh Agensi-Agensi yang dilantik oleh pihak Bank dan peserta juga dianggap telah memberi persetujuan dan membenarkan pihak Bank untuk mendedahkan,jaminan menyiarkan dan/atau mempamerkan butiran peserta kepada mana-mana pihak yang dilantik oleh pihak Bank dalam Kempen ini. Pihak Bank memberi jaminan bahawa butiran peserta adalah terhad kepada nama, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat, gambar dan nombor telefon dan hanya akan digunapakai dalam perkara yang berkaitan dengan Kempen ini sahaja termasuk pengiklanan dan tujuan publisiti.
In the event there is any conflict/discrepancy between the Bahasa Melayu version and the English version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.Sekiranya terdapat konflik terhadap Terma-terma dan Syarat-syarat diantara versi Bahasa Melayu dan versi Bahasa Inggeris, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan menjadi lebih mutlak dan terikat.
BMMB reserves the right to amend or waive the conditions or to terminate the offer at any time without prior notice.Pihak Bank berhak untuk meminda atau mengenepikan mana-mana syarat atau membatalkan tawaran pada bila-bila masa dan ketika tanpa sebarang notis awal.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia.Terma-terma dan Syarat-syarat ini adalah tertakluk dan termaktub di bawah Undang-Undang Malaysia.
TITLE: [PURCHASE+SLOGAN+MAIL] RED BULL GRAND PRIX CHALLENGEPRIZE: GRAND PRIZE - 2 TICKETS TO WATCH AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIXEARLY BIRD DRAW - 1) 10 F1 GRANDSTAND TICKETS 2) 50 HILL STAND TICKETSDEADLINE: 31st MARCH 2009WEBSITE/URL: http://www.redbull.com.myDESCRIPTION: Simply purchase any Red Bull product and attached the receipt to the contest form. Early bird draw will be held on 10th of March 2009.Slogan: Red Bull is the drink I need to enhance my F1 experience because........ (no limit's given)
Novice Comper
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Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:12 am
Novice Comper
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Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:12 am
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